
Foreign bodyer Titel

It's pitch dark

I listen carefully to every sound around me.

It crackles and crackles under my feet.

At first I don't pay much attention to it, but a moment later I take a closer look. I find myself knee deep in garbage.

It is an issue that affects everyone every day and me as an everyday consumer in equal measure.

Inspired by fascination and scare.

The theme of the foreign body in a natural system runs through my artistic work. I encounter it in my work process and in everyday life.

What does foreign body or stranger even mean? When and where will I be confronted with this?

Therefore, the focus of the content is on the search for the foreign body.

Is it me, the way I live, or is it what we produce?

In my thesis I give insights into my work and thoughts.

Bachelorarbeit Elisa Ekler 6. Semester
Institut für Künstlerische Keramik und Glas der Hochschule Koblenz

Professor Jens Gussek Tutorin Dr. Barbara Weyandt Juni 2021

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